About the Department

Since 1914, Economics had been a part of an umbrella department known as the Department of Economics, Political Science and Civics, which was then headed by Prof. A. E. Brown. This umbrella department was bifurcated in 1962, creating an independent Department of Economics. Prof. Ikramuddin Saikia was the first head of the independent department. In 1985, the department became a full-fledged post-graduate department under Gauhati University. The department is now one of the largest departments in Cotton University, offering PhD programme in economics in addition to the undergraduate and post-graduate courses.

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Head of the Department

Recent Publications

  • Anamika Barua, Tanushree Baruah, Sumit Vij, Game theoretical analysis of China-India interactions in the Brahmaputra River Basin, Journal of Hydrology , vol.652, [2025], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132602

  • Barman, H. and Dutta, P., Credit expansion and economic growth in India: empirical evidence, Studies in Economics and Econometrics , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1080/03796205.2024.2441829

  • Priyanka Dutta and Hemanta Barman, Role of Information and Communication Technologies in India's Services Trade, Changing Dynamics in Business and Management Technological Intervention and Environmental Responsiveness , 33-61, [2022]

  • Dutta, P. and Barman, H., Services sector growth and interstae income divergence in India, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science , vol.6, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1007/s41685-022-00250-x

  • Tanushree Baruah, Anamika Barua, Sumit Vij, Hydropolitics intertwined with geopolitics in the Brahmaputra River Basin, WIREs Water (Impact Factor: 7.5) published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. , [2022], https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1626

  • Dutta, P., Goswami, G. and Barman, H., Financial Inclusion among Backward Communities: A Study of the Tea Garden Workers in Assam, India , Forum for Social Economics , [2021], https://doi.org/10.1080/07360932.2021.1999297

  • Rupon Basumatary, Are migrant sending households better off? evidence from a flood Prone District in North-Eastern India, Asian Man , vol.14, [2020], 10.5958/0975-6884.2020.00010.9

  • Barman, H., Nath, H. K. and Dutta, M. K. (2018)., The Telecommunications Divide among Indian States, Telecommunications Policy , vol.42, 530-551, [2018], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2018.05.003

  • Morang, H. C., Barman, H., and Bezbaruah, M. P., Development Transition of a Riverine Tribe: A Study of the Misings in Brahmaputra Valley, Indian Journal of Human Development , vol.12, 52-73, [2018], https://doi.org/10.1177/0973703018778129

  • Rupon Basumatary, Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Do floods affect cropping intensity? Evidence from a flood prone district in Assam, India, IRA-International Journal of Management and Social Sciences , vol.12, 49-54, [2018]

  • Rupon Basumatary, Understanding Household’s vulnerability to floods: A study in Dhemaji district in Assam, India, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research , vol.7, 60-72, [2018]

  • Das, A. and Barman, H., Extent of Use of Farm Capital Goods in India’s Agriculture and Its Determinants, Assam Economic Review , vol.11, 139-153, [2018]

  • Barman, H. and Nath, H. K., What determines international tourist arrivals in India? , Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , vol.24, 180-190, [2018], https://doi.org/10.1080/10941665.2018.1556712

  • Saikia, D. and Barman, H. , Urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam in the post reform period, Urban India , vol.37, [2017]

  • Rupon Basumatary, Do floods affect the livelihood strategy choices of household heads? Evidence from a severely flood affected district in Assam, India, Golden Research Thoughts , vol.6, 1-5, [2017]

  • Rupon Basumatary, Frequent Floods and Agriculture: Alternative Livelihood Strategies of Flood Affected Households in Dhemaji District of Assam, Assam Economic Review , vol.10, 157-177, [2017]

  • Saikia, D. and Barman, H., Health Workforce in the rural public health sector in Assam: current status and way forward, Productivity , vol.56 (1), 36-46, [2015]

  • Hemanta Barman, An Investigation into implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (MGNREGP) with Special Reference to Assam, Rural Development in the North-Eastern Region , [2012]

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Scholarly Resources

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  • Conference/In Proceedings
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